Diagnostic Methods
Therapeutic Interventions
The Department of Psychiatry is a research-intensive hub that train psychiatrists and mental health professionals in applying the latest scientific advances in neuroscience, diagnostic methods and therapeutic interventions to treat patients in a holistic manner. The complexity, high prevalence, and heavy health care burden of mental health problems need multidisciplinary probes into the understanding of their epidemiology, aetiology, mechanisms and intervention. We work closely with Hospital Authority in providing a comprehensive psychiatric clinical services in the cluster hospitals of New Territories East Cluster serving a population of more than 1.2 million.
Focused on seeking insightful and cutting edge translational solutions to problems affecting our communities, our research programmes investigate the multidisciplinary and multidimensional links between brain dysfunctions and behaviour. Topics of interest include the biopsychosocial determinants of mental disorders, developmental perspectives of mental disorders, sleep and circadian Medicine, the neuropsychiatric and genetic aspects of neurodegenerative disorders.
Focused on seeking insightful and cutting edge translational solutions to problems affecting our communities, our research programmes investigate the multidisciplinary and multidimensional links between brain dysfunctions and behaviour. Topics of interest include the biopsychosocial determinants of mental disorders, developmental perspectives of mental disorders, sleep and circadian Medicine, the neuropsychiatric and genetic aspects of neurodegenerative disorders.