Effectiveness of e-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on improving mental health in Chinese college students with insomnia

Brief Description

The high prevalence of depression and suicide among college students would be less concerning if most students with disorders receive appropriate treatment. However, these mental disorders are often left untreated and unrecognized. In addition, several studies have suggested that insomnia disorder are often occurred before the onset of mental disorder. Thus, targeting insomnia may become a promising intervention to prevent depression and suicide among college students. Currently, cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is considered as the first-line treatment for insomnia treatment.

In order to increase the accessibility and feasibility of the intervention group, an e-based interventional programme will be adopted in this study and the aims of the study is to conduct a randomized control trial to explore whether eCBT-I could prevent depression and suicide in college students with insomnia and subclinical depression.

Target Participants

Youth aged between 18-25 years old who had insomnia and sub-clinical depression.

Study Details

Youth who enroll in the study will be invited to participate in 6 weekly online interventional programme either targeting on insomnia or general health education and they are required to participate in the following tasks before and after the intervention:

Clinical interview on sleep and mood
Self-reported sleep and mood related questionnaire
Sleep diary