
Sleep and Mental Health

Multi-modal approaches to determine digital clinical phenotyping, novel proteomic biomarkers, and microbiota-host responses of REM sleep behavior disorder, a prodromal stage of alpha-synucleinopathy neurodegeneration, in a prospective family cohort

Brief Description

Idiopathic/isolated REM sleep behavior disorder (iRBD) is a distinct parasomnia that is currently regarded as the most specific prodromal stage of ⍺-synucleinopathy as over 90% of patients will eventually develop ⍺-synucleinopathies (⍺-syn) over next 15 years. Here, we hypothesize that the early neurodegenerative biomarkers including motor and non-motor features (based on clinical and digital assessment), gut microbiota, host immune responses, and plasma proteomics may have initiated at prodromal RBD stage and integration of these biomarkers will optimize the prediction of disease progression.

Target Participants

Early PD converted from RBD; Patients with iRBD; First-degree relatives of patients with iRBD; and healthy control subjects. Total sample size targeted at 634.

Study Content

We hope to invite you to Shatin Hospital or other related research sites for this study. If the visit is inconvenient to you, we may also arrange home visits alternatively.

  • Questionnaires
  • Clinical interviews (sleep and mood assessments)
  • Neurocognitive tests
  • Stool sample collection
  • Blood examination
  • Digital assessment
  • Overnight sleep assessment (in-lab or ambulatory PSG)

Procedures last around 2 hours, overnight sleep assessment require further arrangements. All assessments are free of charge and each participant will receive HK$200 cash coupon as travel allowance.


If you are interested in our study, please visit this page to provide your information and scan the following QR code to assess the risk of Parkinsonism. Feel free to contact us at 3919-7792 for inquiries.