Psychological resilience and mental health: Understanding the relationship between stress, resilience and sleep problems in adolescents

Psychological resilience and mental health: Understanding the relationship between stress, resilience and sleep problems in adolescents

Brief Description

Adolescence is a critical developmental period associated with dramatic changes, making them more vulnerable to the onset of sleep problems and mental illnesses. Sleep disturbances including insomnia and delay sleep phase problem are prevalent problems in adolescents and associate with numerous detrimental consequences. These sleep problems may persist in adulthood and have impact on their life. Our previous study has indicated that there is a surge increase of sleep problems in late puberty, suggesting that adolescence is a critical period for prevention and early intervention. Considering the high prevalence, chronicity and adverse effect associated with sleep disturbance, it is important to identify both risk and protective factors as the potential clinical targets for prevention and intervention to improve sleep and mood in young people. We aim to explore the relationship among stress, resilience and sleep problems in adolescents and young adults by using objective measurements.

Target Participants
  1. Youth aged between 12-18 years
  2. Can read and write Chinese
  3. No neurological disease or mental health diseases, such as anxiety, depression, endocrine system problems such as thyroid problems
  4. No regular use of medications, such as antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, immunosuppressants, etc.
  5. No trans-meridian flight in the past 1-month
Study Details

Study content:

  1. Clinical interview and questionnaire to assess sleep and mood aspects
  2. Sleep diary and one-week actigraphy
  3. One night sleep study (Polysomnography) and urine test. It can be conducted at home or in sleep assessment unit.

All assessments are free of charge and each participant will receive HK$500 travel allowance after completing the entire research procedures and tasks.