Neurodegenerative and Neurocognitive Disorders
Mitochondrial heteroplasmy and cognitive decline
Assistant Professor (Non-clinical)
Can increasing participation in habitual intellectual activities enhance functional connectivity of default mode network in community-living Chinese adults with subjective cognitive decline? A randomized controlled trial
Associate Professor (Clinical)
Structured frontal lobe based cognitive stimulation to older adults with subjective cognitive decline and comorbid depressive symptoms
Associate Professor (Clinical)
Can whole-body vibration treatment optimize cognitive function in older adults who have sarcopenia and are at risk of dementia? A randomized controlled trial.
Associate Professor (Clinical)
Health determinants for late onset dementia and its associated mortality in Hong Kong Chinese older adults
Professor (Clinical)
A 9-year follow-up of the Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey (HKMMS) on Chinese adults with depressive and anxiety symptoms.
Professor (Clinical)
The Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey for Older People – MMSOP
Professor (Clinical)
Neural correlates of impulsivity in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder and Parkinson’s disease: a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging case-control study
Adjunct Assistant Professor