Press conference on CU Medicine-developed app proves effective in assessing depression

Press conference on CU Medicine-developed app proves effective in assessing depression

Depression is the leading health-related burden globally, affecting an estimated 300 million people. In Hong Kong, the prevalence of depression was about 8.3% according to the 2015 Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey. The current gold standard for the diagnosis of depression relies on clinical evaluation, but mental health services are insufficient to meet the demand in a lot of regions, including Hong Kong. The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s (CUHK) Faculty of Medicine (CU Medicine) has developed a mobile depression assessment app that deploys multimodal artificial intelligence (AI) analysis, which means using AI to analyse the user’s multimodal data, including facial expressions, voice, language and subjective mood state, as well as rest-activity statistics, measured using actigraphy. CUHK researchers proved the new technology is effective in diagnosing depression. The findings were recently published in Translational Psychiatry.


Media Coverage:

1.中大醫學院研發手機應用程式 透過 AI評估抑鬱症 (有線新聞 )
2.中大研發手機 APP以 AI評估使用者患抑鬱風險 準確率可達八成 (無綫新聞 )
3.香港中大医学院研发手机程式有效评估抑郁症 |快报 (鳳凰衛視 )
4.中大醫學院研發出有效評估抑鬱症程式 冀人工智能輔助臨床診斷 (香港電台)
5.CUHK showcases mobile app to diagnose depression (RTHK English)
6.Chinese University of Hong Kong researchers develop AI-powered app to diagnose depression (SCMP)
7.中大 AI App 可測曾否患抑鬱 (明報 新聞網)
8.中大研發手機應用程式 AI評估抑鬱症 (東網)
9.中大醫學院研發出有效評估抑鬱症程式 冀 AI輔助臨床診斷 (am730)
10.中大醫學院研發手機程式有效評估抑鬱症 (信報財經新聞)
11.中大醫學院研發評估抑鬱症的手機程式 準確度達 81% 本地 (商業電台)
12.中大研發應用程式評估抑鬱症 (新城電台)
13.中大研發 app評估抑鬱症 助舒緩醫護人員壓力 (大 紀元時報 )
14.約 60萬港人深受抑鬱折磨 中大醫學院研發手機程式腕動計有效評估(附抑鬱症四項特徵) (星島頭條網)
15.中大研發手機 APP評估抑鬱症 利用人工智能輔助臨床診斷 (巴士的報 )
16.香港中大医学院研发手机程式有效评估抑郁症 (
17.Innovative App Developed at CUHK Predicts Depression Using AI (Smartphone Magazine)
18.Innovative App to Monitor Depression Unveiled by CUHK Medical Faculty (ElBlog.lp)
19.A.I.-POWERED app can measure if user is depressed (SCMP)
20.透過人工智能分析診斷 中大醫學院研發手機程式有效評估抑鬱症 (成報 )
21.中大研發 App AI觀貌辨聲評估抑鬱症 (文匯報 )
22.中大研發 App篩查抑鬱症 (信報財經新聞)
23.中大研發 AI 評估抑鬱症手機 App 拆解患者 5 個生物特徵 (eZone)
24.港中大研發手機 App助評估抑鬱症 (中通社)
25.中大醫學院研發的手機程式有效評估抑鬱症 (香港 商報 網)
26. 中大研發AI APP 可測曾否患抑鬱症 (自由風自由Phone 10 June 2024))
27.  Newly developed mental health app (Backchat 11 June 2024)
28. 中大醫學院研發出評估抑鬱症手機程式 冀助及早診斷並介入治療 (千禧年代 11 June 2024)
29. 你有無抑鬱症 ? 手機影樣即知 – 中大醫學院研發 ( 2 July 2024)
30. 診斷抑鬱,用App都得 (RTHK32 凝聚香港 25 June 2024)
31. AI應用|7成精神障礙患者未尋求支援!中大醫學院研手機程式有效評估抑鬱症 (Yahoo News 13 June 2024)
32. This app can predict moods (The Standard Education 25 June 2024)


For more details of the study:

University Website:

Faculty Website:

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