Press Releases on CUHK identifies novel gut microbiome biomarkers to facilitate diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders Pilot clinical study shows modulation of gut microbiome alleviates anxiety symptoms
Press Releases on CUHK identifies novel gut microbiome biomarkers to facilitate diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders Pilot clinical study shows modulation of gut microbiome alleviates anxiety symptoms
A research team from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Faculty of Medicine (CU Medicine) has conducted a large cohort study among 1,627 children with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and found alterations in four kingdoms of the gut microbial species including archaea, bacteria, fungi and viruses in children with ASD. Using machine learning, they developed a panel of 31 multikingdom and functional markers that showed high diagnostic performance for ASD and has great potential as a clinical diagnostic tool. The findings were published in Nature Microbiology. In a pilot study, the researchers also showed that modulation of the gut microbiome alleviated symptoms of anxiety in children with ASD, introducing the possibility of a new therapeutic paradigm for the condition
Media Coverage:
- 研究指自閉症兒童腸道微生態發展較落後 易腸胃不適及影響腦神經運作 (無綫新聞 TVB News)
- 研究指自閉症兒童腸道微生態發展較遲緩 調節微生物群有助緩解焦慮等 (無綫新聞 TVB News)
- 中大指調節腸道微生物群 可減輕自閉症患者焦慮等症狀 (有線新聞)
- 中大團隊發現調節腸道微生態 可減輕自閉症焦慮症狀 (Now新聞台)
- 香港中文大學醫學院研發嶄新自閉症診斷工具 (鳳凰衛視)
- 中大研究利用腸道微生物診斷自閉症靈敏度逾九成 (香港電台)
- 中大研究:腸道微生態與自閉症有密切關聯 (商業電台)
- Hong Kong researchers create faecal test kit that can detect autism in toddlers (SCMP)
- 中大醫學院開發腸道微生物診斷自閉症檢測工具 靈敏度達九成 (星島網)
- 中大研發用糞便樣本診斷自閉症 靈敏度逾九成 改善腸道可舒緩兒童自閉症狀 (Yahoo! 新聞)
- 中大首創腸道微生物工具診斷自閉症 (大紀元時報)
- 中大研究:調節腸道微生物群 減自閉症患者焦慮症狀 (信報財經新聞)
- 中大研究利用腸道微生物診斷自閉症靈敏度逾九成 (巴士的報)
- 中大研腸道微生態自閉症檢測工具 靈敏度超過9成 (東網)
- 腸道微生物|中大發現自閉症與腸道微生物群有關 最快今年底推新型檢測工具 (香港經濟日報Topick)
- 中大研究以分析腸道微生物檢測自閉症 靈敏度達九成 (輕新聞)
- 自閉症檢測|中大研「糞便檢測自閉症」,助及早判斷患自閉症兒童!無創非入侵性、準確度高達九成!(Medical Inspire)
- 中大研腸道微生物檢測工具 助及早評估兒童患自閉症風險 (am730)
- 港中大憑藉腸道微生物群評估兒童自閉症 (香港新聞網)
- 中大醫學院研診斷自閉症檢測工具 靈敏度達九成 改善腸道可減輕症狀 (Oh爸媽)
- 中大研究發現 腸道微生態與自閉症有關聯 (昭傳媒)
- 港中大利用肠道微生物开发精准工具诊断自闭症 (科學網)
- [千禧年代] 中大研究發現腸道微生態與自閉症有密切關聯 (香港電台)
- 晨早新聞天地(香港電台)
- [Hong Kong Today] CUHK develops autism test by examining children’s stool (RTHK English)
- 調節腸道微生物群 助緩解自閉童敏感與焦慮症狀 中大以腸道微生物開發工具診斷自閉症 (成報)
- 驗糞測自閉風險 最快年底推 中大研發 稱腸道微生態有潛力成治療方案 (明報)
- 調節腸道微生態 緩解自閉童焦慮 (東方日報)
- 中大研腸道微生物 測自閉症靈敏度9成 (香港經濟日報)
- 中大研用腸道微生物診斷自閉症 (大公報)
- 中大研腸道微生態自閉症檢測工具 (頭條日報)
- 中大研新技術 驗腸道測自閉 (信報財經新聞)
- Team creates stool test to detect autism in infants (SCMP)
- Autism wizzes go with their guts (The Standard)
- 自閉症檢測|中大研糞便樣本檢測工具 用腸道微生物標誌物 助及早評估兒童患自閉症風險 (
For more details of the study:
University Website:
CU Medicine Website:
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